A Dance with Life book

Book reading in Fogartys bookshop Gqeberha

A Dance with Life Book

Available around the world through local and online book stores

In this beautiful book filled with a wealth of wisdom, Marlene shows us through her photographs and personal stories how she has peeled back the layers of life to discover what it means to be human and to thrive in life rather than just exist.

She invites us to begin this process for ourselves by asking us to consider: “What if our purpose as humans is to dance to nature’s rhythm, to soar like eagles and to truly experience everything that life brings us?”

Many of us are scared and struggle to fit in, conforming to follow what society tells us to do. Throughout this book you will be inspired to discover your own steps to dance with life and re-connect to your true nature – the jewel that is hidden within each of us – so you can shine your light and start living your best life.

A Dance with Life book cover - front

If you are ready to pause, take time to reflect on your life and self, then this book is an ideal way to begin to do so. Put yourself first and begin a delightful journey into self-discovery.

– Anne Smith [Education Specialist] –


“A very beautiful book, with a wealth of wisdom & authenticity. It is an uplifting and meaningful work of art. Your words touch both heart & mind, & encompass wonderfully the trials & tribulations we must endure to try to survive at least partly intact.”

– Carol –

Marlene and Grace reading A Dance with Life at Centre of photography and light

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Here's what our readers have to say about A Dance with Life

Salomé Brown Gooding
Salomé Brown Gooding
This autobiographical compilation of her personal journey (or dance) through life is supported and illustrated by her photographic images (38 breathtakingly beautiful works) and filled with philosophical insights and valuable life lessons. I gobbled it up, savouring some passages like a treasured sweet in my cheek and returning to some to satisfy a craving, repeatedly rereading and reviewing her wise insights.
Julie Bega
Julie Bega
Body and Mind South Africa
In this exquisite book Marlene has the gift of bringing into a sacred space of reflection, where a deep connection is made with yourself.
Yolande van Deventer
Yolande van Deventer
Thank you for inviting me to dance. And to re-member myself and find that space inside again. It made a deep impact. Thank you. Much love
In the Field by Marlene Neumann
A Dance with Life personal review - Maureen James
Laura Reads Amazon review

“What an exciting journey with Marlene. Each chapter brings a curiosity to what is in the next chapter. It was such a pleasure to read this book and also going into your own depth of being human. It brings peace, laughter, pain and enjoyment in myself. Thank you!!!!
A special book to read.”
– Rina –

Marlene gently takes people on a journey of deep understanding towards themselves through the power of nature and photography based on her own life experiences. For the past 40 years, as she’s connected with her deep inner knowledge, she has been teaching people to reawaken what they were instinctively born knowing. She teaches people how to live their lives through their unique gifts and free themselves from restrictions to follow their intuition – to make a difference and to know that their lives matter.

Traumatic and life-threatening circumstances in Marlene’s life woke her up to the importance of appreciating every single moment of existence, and she wholeheartedly teaches others to do the same.

She is an exceptional woman living her purpose in service to the earth and all of its inhabitants. Her work is a gift and opportunity to see yourself and live your life, in a new expanded way.

Marlene Neumann The Voice of Nature