Becoming a butterfly takes time and patience

I had this beautiful in depth, soulful conversation with my good friends last week about how when we know we must take action, but can’t seem to move forward or past a personal issue in our lives.

Patience to grow strong as a butterfly

I myself have experienced this very thing, where I can see what I must do, but seem to be either frozen or just have deep issues coming up around whatever the person or situation is doing to me. Or my favorite one is I don’t speak up and I just close up or move away.

Don’t know if any of you relate to what I am saying, but we are all struggling with something no matter how advance we are or think we are on the personal development road.

As we were chatting about our different issues I had an amazing epiphany that put my own situation in perspective which may give you insight about your life.

Do you know the story of the butterfly and the cocoon? 🦋

I get so frustrated with myself because I can see what I must do, what I must change in my life yet I don’t do it? Something in myself is just frozen. Yes I have done tons of work on my inner child and helped and supported others with their cocoons etc. But I also see this in my students they just can’t seem to move on. Like a stuckness etc.

I also know that one must take action etc. I believe in that too, but sometimes the timing just somehow doesn’t seem right. Like there is a piece missing.

My friends and I have all been going through things the past few years but the beautiful thing is; it is not that kind of friendship where we get frustrated with one another even though we can clearly see what the other must do to relieve the struggle within themselves.

Instead, we listen and support and love the person each and every step of the way. Even when we seem to be going round and round in circles. We do different processes so the other can maybe see their problem from a different angle. It’s supportive, loving and a safe space. That’s a friend, a sisterhood.

I have had people in my life who have walked away from me because I go around in circles with my inner struggle or they tell me what I must do and I get overwhelmed because i am just not ready and i beat myself up because I know what I should be doing, but fear or anxiety holds me back. Make sense?

I have come to realise the story of the cocoon and the butterfly. Once there was a butterfly 🦋 struggling to get out of a cocoon so a little girl felt sorry for it and went and cut a hole in the cocoon to make it easier for the butterfly to fly free. What happens in the story is the butterfly couldn’t fly properly afterwards because you see the struggle it was experiencing inside the cocoon pushing and struggling to get out was in fact making it so much stronger that when the time came for it to fly it had so much strength within itself.

It’s the same with us. I have to be patient with myself when things don’t move quick enough for me with my internal struggle. Patient with others when they don’t move quick enough. Each one of us are on different stages of being inside the cocoon.

You may want to free your child too soon from the cocoon as you see them struggling and that’s natural. So it’s one step at a time, slowly, slowly 🐌 to free each of ourselves from our own cocoon so we can get ready to fly high like that butterfly 🦋.

Love, support a friend, a loved one, just be there, observe where they are struggling help with encouragement, hold space. No judgement. That’s true friendship and love. You never leave because it’s not going your way. You stick it out until they can fly. This applies for your own time in the cocoon, don’t abandon yourself, be patient, kind and compassionate with your inner child. You are all she has, baby steps.

If someone abandons you, that’s good, it’s making you stronger to be able to fly on your own. They were never worth it anyway. Be this a partner, a friend a child. Whatever, even if you lose your job. Your only reason to be here on this earth is for your soul to grow.

In the end the hardship and finding out who you truly are from your own struggles in your own cocoon will make you so strong. Don’t give up; just take one small step at a time to reach your dreams.

I promise you, you will become the most beautiful 😍 butterfly 🦋 ever.

Love Marlene 🙏

P.S. You may find my latest book, A Dance with Life a helpful reminder to be patient and learn to take new steps when life throws challenges in our path.

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