Meditation Circle


Join the Voice of Nature Meditation Circle

We all need to find more time in our lives to be still, which isn’t easy in our busy world.

Stillness allows us to connect with our inner peace and a part of ourselves which we often don’t listen to. The more we can be still and listen, the easier we find it to take our next step – in the day, in the week and in life.

The more we practice stillness and connection the easier we can experience peace – even when our lives are busy.

The Voice of Nature meditation circle meets online a few times each month to practice stillness with others from around the world who are just like you – wanting to be still and raise the vibration of the world we live in.

No previous experience necessary. Simply sign up and join when you can with the intention of being still and loving yourself and others fully.

To join the meditation circle 🧘‍♀️ by donation, sign up on the link below. I’ll keep you informed by email when the next meditation is. I hope you can join me.

All my love 💓 Marlene

Meditation Circle

The Voice of Nature Meditation Circle is free to join.

If you are able, please pay a donation to:


Bank transfer: FNB Branch code – 211021
Account – 62033989312


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A Dance with Life Book
"Marlene shares her dance with life, she shares her unique, wise perspectives on life. Her Photography sets the stage, and we get an insight into how this brilliant artist interprets the world." Body & Mind.

From only $7.99 for the ebook
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Wild at Heart Online
An online loving community focused on supporting & encouraging everyone, to go on a spiritual journey through nature and photography to explore and embrace your own inner wisdom.

Explore life through meditation, learning together and soul photography. Regular online group sessions and support.